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Stay in the know about the latest in shareable digital identity and global trends. We will be adding articles and opinions regularly and welcome comments as well.

Katie Travers Katie Travers

The Imperative Shift to Shareable Identity for Accountants.

The handling of customers’ personally identifiable information is undergoing a significant transformation. This is particularly evident in the field of accounting, where traditional methods of sharing and verifying identity information are proving to be increasingly risky and inefficient. The answer? A model shift towards shareable identity platforms.

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Katie Travers Katie Travers

The Rise of Reusable Identity: Transforming Transactions and Privacy

Reusable identity is on the rise, shifting from traditional, repetitive identity verification methods to the emerging concept of reusable identity. This new system allows users to verify their identity once and use it across multiple platforms, enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving privacy. Countries like Sweden and Estonia are leading in adoption, with growing global interest from both private and government sectors. Reusable identities offer a promising solution to streamline digital transactions and enhance data security.

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Katie Travers Katie Travers

A Practical Approach to Proof of Identity for Accountants

VerifiMe helps accountants verify client identities, crucial for ethical and compliant practices. The digital identity wallet integrates into existing workflows, ensuring secure, efficient identity verification and reducing risks associated with data breaches. VerifiMe's shareable ID system is designed to adapt to evolving industry regulations and enhances client service standards.

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Katie Travers Katie Travers

Insights for Chief Risk Officers

Discover how VerifiMe can transform compliance management for Chief Risk Officers in Australia. This article explores the benefits of VerifiMe’s real-time monitoring, automated alerts, and comprehensive reporting, providing CROs with the tools to enhance operational efficiency, ensure regulatory compliance, and drive strategic growth. Learn how this advanced software can help safeguard your company's reputation and financial stability in a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape.

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Katie Travers Katie Travers

KYC made easy with VerifiMe

VerifiMe streamlines the KYC process for financial planners and wealth managers, allowing quick and secure customer onboarding without needing to store identity documents. It uses tokenisation to check identity against customisable AML/KYC rulesets, reducing onboarding friction and ensuring compliance with AML/CTF programs, thereby enhancing customer experience and satisfaction.

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Paul Timms Paul Timms

VerifiMe - a shareable digital identity

VerifiMe is a shareable digital identity platform that allows individuals and organisations to verify their identity securely online, using a digital wallet created with official documents. It enhances privacy and convenience by minimising repetitive sharing of documents, reducing identity theft risks, and improving user verification processes with consent-based sharing of information.

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Paul Timms Paul Timms

VerifiMe welcomes the passing of the Digital ID Bill 2023

VerifiMe supports the recent passing of the Digital ID Bill 2023 and the expansion of the myGovID network, viewing it as a crucial step towards providing a safe and simplified identification method for individuals and organisations. As a digital identity orchestrator, VerifiMe emphasises its role in creating a secure, reusable digital ID ecosystem that allows users to share their identity information safely, supporting both the private sector's identification needs and compliance with AML/CTF legislation.

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Paul Timms Paul Timms

5 things you need to know about digital ID now

Explore the potential of digital ID in simplifying access to services and enhancing personal data control, advocating for decentralised, privacy-centric solutions that prioritise user control, security, and interoperability to protect personal data.

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Paul Timms Paul Timms

Why Identity is important

Identity is crucial because it shapes the way we see ourselves, how we interact with others and our place in society. It is tied to our sense of self-worth and self-esteem.

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