Identity sharing solved

Join the VerifiMe network and be a business ready to manage your customers’ identity transactions.

The new way for customers to share their identity

Elevate customer trust

Put the control in the hands of your customer. VerifiMe allows them to know exactly where their identity status is being used.

Keep customer data secure

Meet compliance requirements without exposing personally identifiable information with VerifiMe.

Compliance sorted

Automated assessments and configurable rules that are consistent with your compliance policy and program.

Get started in just 3 steps!

Get on board and start inviting your customers to a shareable, secure identity ecosystem.


We establish your unique rules for customer due-diligence and set up your environment for managing and reporting.

Bring your rules and get set up


Understand the VerifiMe experience

Invite in your internal stakeholders to understand the user journey and ensure the rules of assessment have been configured correctly.


Onboard users

Your business is live in the ecosystem. You can now invite your customers to share their identity!

Who uses VerifiMe?

  • Accountants

    Empower your clients to remain in control of their identity by setting the rules that work for you.

  • Fund & Wealth Managers

    A new way for your investors to achieve AML-CTF and ASIC compliance levels.

  • Lawyers

    Verify identities and minimise privacy risks to safeguard individuals and your business from fraudulent activities.

  • Real Estate Agents

    Verify sellers and clo,e transactions faster, minimise privacy risks and comply with future AML/CTF requirements.

VerifiMe for
your customers

Break free from repeatedly filling out forms and sharing documents.

Use VerifiMe to allow your customers to prove who they are without risk of exposing their personal information. They can also use it to verify their SMSF, trust or company. It’s free to use and simple to set up.

VerifiMe for
your business

Elevate your customer experience and trust while minimising compliance and data security risks.

Automated customer acquisition, that is tailored to your rules. Helps you acquire customers and meet your rules of KYC and AML compliance now and in the future.

Digital Identity Insights

  • Insights for Chief Risk Officers

    This article explores the benefits of VerifiMe’s real-time monitoring, automated alerts, and comprehensive reporting, providing CROs with the tools to enhance operational efficiency, ensure regulatory compliance, and drive strategic growth.

  • KYC made easy with VerifiMe

    VerifiMe streamlines the KYC process for financial planners and wealth managers, allowing quick and secure customer onboarding without needing to store identity documents.

  • VerifiMe - a shareable digital identity

    VerifiMe is a shareable digital identity platform that allows individuals and organisations to verify their identity securely online, using a digital wallet created with official documents.

  • VerifiMe welcomes the passing of the Digital ID Bill 2023

    VerifiMe supports the recent passing of the Digital ID Bill 2023 and the expansion of the myGovID network, viewing it as a crucial step towards providing a safe and simplified identification method for individuals and organisations.

Manage your customers’ identity transactions

Book a demo today to see how VerifiMe can transform your compliance requirements.