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VerifiMe welcomes the passing of the Digital ID Bill 2023

VerifiMe welcomes the passing of the Digital ID Bill 2023 last week, and recent media around an expansion of the myGovID network, already used to access federal government services. We firmly believe that a modern economy deserves a safe and simple way to allow people, businesses, companies and trusts to identify themselves, and that an expansion of myGovID is a logical step to solve for identification of individuals.

VerifiMe is a digital identity ecosystem orchestrator. We capture identification data points and tokenise them, allowing the underlying information to be shared with zero proof knowledge. VerifiMe network users can share a reusable digital identity via a biometrically enabled app, with their state of identity being compared against a business’ requirements, whether that business is simply behaving prudently in identifying its customers or staff, or is a reporting entity that is required to comply with know your customer procedures to meet the requirements of AML/CTF legislation.

VerifiMe is platform agnostic as to the source of data that is relied upon for verification. Whether a particular data source meets a business’ needs is entirely a matter of choice for each individual business, and they can configure their own rule set via VerifiMe. Our ecosystem is capable of capturing and tokenising data from any source, whether it be government, existing information from an IDV provider or a new verification process conducted entirely through our network. We strongly endorse, and are part of the solution for, the underlying objective of the Digital ID Bill 2023, which includes providing a safe, secure, convenient, and reusable way to verify ID online, without repeatedly sharing copies of ID documents with different services.

An Australian owned and operated business, whose executive team has deep expertise in financial services software, we started on our journey two years ago and our software is now being used by a range of Australian businesses to solve this exact problem. Our customers include funds managers, wealth advisers, share registries, real estate agents, accountants and lawyers.

VerifiMe is working with the government to achieve accreditation under the Trusted Digital Identity Framework. We believe that the government has an important role to play in assisting businesses to make identification safer and simpler and we look forward to continuing to grow our own role in making identification transactions safe and simple for Australians and for Australian businesses.

Digital ID with VerifiMe is secure, portable and puts you in control of your personal data.